lunes, 27 de febrero de 2017

Reflection of the 1st Partial

Reflection of the 1st Partial

I consider that this partial my performance was really good. At first I thought I did not have the enough habilities to get the level, but by the time the course was advancing I fall into acount that I was progressing succesfully , my grades were considerably getting better. 
On my view the habbit of practising daily and getting use to listen every thing in english, like movies, documentaries, articles made me to accustom to the language. This activities had a good result on my grades, so I will continue doing homework for my progress. 
This partial I did not have too much problem with this subject, but it could be a good idea to be better prepared before every english exam.

I will definitely keep up with the constancy and responsibility to keep my grades and get better results by the end of the semester.



Link: English Central "Millenials Not Lovin´it"

The video is about how the Burger Big Mac has lost a lot of popularity around the world. In the past, this burger was one of the most important food and one of their best seller but now only one of each five millennials have tried the big Mac and this a situation that is worrying the Mc Donald´s executives.

Words learnt:
Watering- to produce a liquid
Flagship-most important thing in a group
Fellow-partner, friend
Rate- tasa


The article that I’ve read took place in Colombo Sri Lanka, the problem here was that a huge amount of rubbish was placed next to a poor neighborhood called Meetotamulla. The things became worst when this garbage collapsed onto a group of homes, killing 17 people and injuring 13. That is why the residents were very upset because they had already advised of this huge problem before. And 600 local people had to move from there and were afraid of the police that instead of helping, they arrested some who protest about this unjustified action.

Words learnt:
mound – gran cantidad de algo
flee – partir rápidamente
hazard – una situación mala para la salud

Rubbish Cruses a Neighbourhood

martes, 21 de febrero de 2017



Tecnológico de Monterrey
Jimena Vanessa Hernández Rivera


This is the final boarding call for passengers Erin and Fred Collins booked on flight 372A to Kansas City. Please proceed to gate 3 immediately. The final checks are being completed and the captain will order for the doors of the aircraft to close in approximately five minutes’ time. I repeat. This is the final boarding call for Erin and Fred Collins. Thank you.


Ladies and gentlemen, welcome onboard Flight 4B7 with service from Hong Kong to San Francisco. We are currently third in line for take-off and are expected to be in the air in approximately seven minutes’ time. We ask that you please fasten your seatbelts at this time and secure all baggage underneath your seat or in the overhead compartments. We also ask that your seats and table trays are in the upright position for take-off. Please turn off all personal electronic devices, including laptops and cell phones. Smoking is prohibited for the duration of the flight. Thank you for choosing Mountain Airlines. Enjoy your flight.
Original Recordings :

My Recordings:


This activity was really helpful for me to practice my Reading Aloud , a part of the Speaking TOEIC EXAM. At first with this project I was able to listen how I was used to pronounce the English when I read. Then the original recordings really helped me to learn how is the difference in the intonation between a simple text and an announcement. And finally after hearing and practicing a lot I could record my own announcement correctly. I truly enjoy this speaking activity.

domingo, 19 de febrero de 2017



Link: English Central - "The power of Hope"

The video is about Michelle Obama´s last speech as the first lady, in this speech she makes a call to the nation to never lose hope. She says that hard work is what moves America and that young people have to put a lot of effort because they will find obstacles.

Words I've learnt:



The article that I’ve red was about a skydiver in Norway that recorded in 2012 an object that seems to be a meteorite. This man has spent 2 years trying to define what was that mysterious black object. Meteorites are known because they burn when they enter Earth´s atmosphere but some of them survive and land on Earth. Some scientist had criticized him because of his theory, but he continues studying together with the Norway´s Space and Meteorite Centre if this object was really a meteorite.

Words learnt:
hurtle – moverse a alta velocidad
skydiver - paracaidista
UFO –  objeto volador no identificado
footage -  imágenes 

Meteorite Filmed by a Skydiver

lunes, 13 de febrero de 2017


Report 5

Link: English Central
"What happened to McDonald's"

The video show us how McDonald's has lost a lot of potential around the world, specially in the US because people are eating less their food.
The restaurant has added a lot of new items to Its menu and now it's very big for the kind of food they originally sell.
Also employees have complained a lot because of their low salary.
Not only employees have complained, owners of franchises have complained too
The company is also having another problem since they are not innovating and forming part of apps and technology compared to other restaurants like Taco Bell or Burger King.


Lure- atraer
Rack up-acumular
Lagged- retrasar


This article was about a funny new in Lima Peru. Here nowadays the dogs are able to get married 
so to make legal their marriage they need to print their paws on the document. Is important to remark 
that this certificate is validated by the district. It’s a bit crazy to say but the dog’s owners are proud 
of them to find the true love in another dog. On my view they are getting crazy. 
Words That I’ve learnt:
Pooch –  una raza de perros
Tie the knot- casarse
Go barking mad - volverse locos


Report 4

Link: English Central
"The legacy of Steve Jobs" 

The video shows a summary of Steve Job's life, his main achievements and difficulties while he was director of Apple. Steve Jobs is recognized because of his innovation and enthusiasm on each ones of his projects. Also he was always thinking on the users needs and what they were looking for.
The video tells us that he worked for other companies, next and Pixar and later he came back to Apple maintaining two roles.


Geeky- aficionado
Faltering- titubear
Scrambling- moverse apresuradamente
Entranced- encantadora


The article was about a 26 years old man who was in front of the house where Hitler was born. This house has a legal problem which involves the owner of the hose and the government. The country has an important problem with this man because he is determined to look like Hitler and he participate in actions that glorify the Nazi era. That is why Mr. Harald Zenz is considered a Hitler’s double.

Words learnt:
Dispute – Un desacuerdo
Führer – Lider de Alemania
Regalia – El tipo de ropa de una época