domingo, 22 de enero de 2017



Link: English Central- The hospital that cleans air.

The video that I've watched was really interesting because it was about an inovated estructure for the outsides of several constructions . The first environmental facade is ubicated in México in an hospital. The relevance of this  contribution is that in their inside it contains an special chemical wich is able to clean the air. And later a new shopping centre in Autralia would instal this wonderful invention. To sum up this type of advances would make us breathe pure air.

Words learnt:
Indebted- en deuda
Noxious- nocivo
Facade - fachada


The text I’d red was about the incredible and hard situation of a little one-year-old girl that born with a very strange and unusual deformity on her legs due to a great lack of calcium in her body. This baby girl lives in the UK with her parents and after knowing about the state of his daughter, they became devastated and decided to take their child to the United States to be treated by American doctors. The kindest gesture was that of his family that together face the situation and helped the family economically for Victoria to get her operations. 
Words learnt:
Amputate – remover
Carry out – hacer
Turn two – que cumpla 2 años

Resultado de imagen para niña victoria con deformidad en piernas

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